Thursday, February 5

Lyndon State Recruits

Blurb: How does a coach get a player into the snowy depths of Vermont? Apparently, it is quite the task.

Story: In an article written by Lyndon State's own Sam Monroe, a light is shed on the hardships of a small college recruiting upcomming students. According to our coaches it is all about networking and putting in the effort.

Coaches at a smaller college, such as LSC, work within a limited range of networking but those ties are still present. The cross-country coach Chris Ummer has even previously used a summer camp for recruiting aid.

Although each sport has their own director that does things their own way, they all understand the imporance of good impressions. Coaches have to sell the advantage points of comming to LSC and meet with the induviduals.

Unfortunatly, many of the college and high school seasons run at the same time and coaches say they do not get the time they wished they had to see the athletes play in person.

In the end, coaches hope to entice the younger generation into a campus visit to see for themselves the rolling mountains and green trees.

For any questions about Lyndon State College Athletics visit the Athletic's Site.

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