Thursday, February 19

Google Map Project

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Check out my group's map project. We surveyed where people are going for Winter Break. It would seem us New Englanders do not stray far from home.

Saturday, February 7

Moss graffiti

In the world of art, I came across an amazing article covering the work of Anna Garforth that uses moss as a medium for graffiti. This "Environmental Graffiti" not only makes the world a prettier place but also causes no harm doing it. Thumbs up to you Anna Garforth.

Interactive Toilet

Fellow Americans and internet viewers, we have gone too far my friends, there are children involved now.

Thursday, February 5

Lyndon State Recruits

Blurb: How does a coach get a player into the snowy depths of Vermont? Apparently, it is quite the task.

Story: In an article written by Lyndon State's own Sam Monroe, a light is shed on the hardships of a small college recruiting upcomming students. According to our coaches it is all about networking and putting in the effort.

Coaches at a smaller college, such as LSC, work within a limited range of networking but those ties are still present. The cross-country coach Chris Ummer has even previously used a summer camp for recruiting aid.

Although each sport has their own director that does things their own way, they all understand the imporance of good impressions. Coaches have to sell the advantage points of comming to LSC and meet with the induviduals.

Unfortunatly, many of the college and high school seasons run at the same time and coaches say they do not get the time they wished they had to see the athletes play in person.

In the end, coaches hope to entice the younger generation into a campus visit to see for themselves the rolling mountains and green trees.

For any questions about Lyndon State College Athletics visit the Athletic's Site.

Lyndon State Professors Survive Crash

Blurb: Last Thursday two Lyndon State professors borded an airplane. After take-off, everything weent awry.
Story: Professor John Dumont and George Johnson were attending a student weel-fare conference in the the Big Apple. Having completed their time in New York the pair prepared to leave the city and come back to the green state of Vermont.

The crowd was small in La Guardia airport and people were quickly ushered in as soon as the attendent could allow. There wass no mention of complications on the place then or when the ominous voice over the speaker system asked them to enjoy the flight.

Immediately after take off the flight was not enjoyable. For reasons not released yet to the public, Flight 697 went down. Fourty five people were on the plane, five people died with a currently unknown amount of injuries. Miraculously, Professor Dumont and Johnson not only escaped the death count, but were uninjured as well. Lyndon State will be hosting a "Welcome Home Safely" gathering at the school; just as soon as their car arrives.

Wednesday, February 4

Coolest time to be liberal since the civil war

The Raw Story released coverage yesterday on memos written by former Bush Administration that could be made public. The article by John Byrne states that "The memos track new details about dozens of secret Bush Administration legal positions on torture, detention and warrantless wiretapping."

Propublica, a non-profit investigative news outlet, claims that at least three dozen memos have not been publicly released. These memos chould shed light or condemn the controversies about many of the former administrations policies during office. It would seem that little outside of suspicion is known to the public about what lies on those memo lines.

The memo titles are available, however and include:
"Fourth Amendment doesn't apply to military operations abroad or in U.S."
"Legal standards for intelligence methods" and
"Rolls back narrow definition of tourture".

If they find that the memos had no original classification, there could be a "show down" for rights, as the article perfectly describes. The newly appointed Attorney General Eric Holder openly admits to being gung-ho about the idea of declassifying the information.

“Once the new Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Office of Legal Counsel is confirmed, I plan to instruct that official to review the OLC’s policies relating to publication of its opinions with the [objective] of making its opinions available to the maximum extent consistent with sound practice and competing concerns,” Holder wrote.

With controversial memos from the past being unburied and the overwhelming support of recently appointed President Obama is would seem that now is the coolest time to be a liberal since the civil war. So cool in fact it's reached the popular media of the youngest minorities: MTV. Young Jeezy's newest release "My President is Black" shows how far this support has reached the most unlikely places. For republicans and fence-straddlers, I hope it at least makes you giggle.