Friday, January 29

Three Recreations

Original Image

In my first recreation I edited in a new sky using the magic wand tool as well as the plane. I replaced a single green hue in the bushes with a bright cyan color. I also replaced an orange color in the building with a deep purple. I also decreased the brightness of the background image while heightening the contrast. At this point I felt the plane looked very out of place and decided to replace it's bright colors with neutral greens instead.

In my second recreation I once again started by editing in sky but using the other given image this time while still using the magic wand tool. I brought up both the brightness and contrast in the background image. I then replaced the color of light shadows by changing the hue and saturation to give the image a lighter-orange feel. I then edited in the plane using the magic wand tool again but this time made it much smaller and flipped the direction. I then replaced the colors on the plane to softer warm colors. I then replaced one of the bright greens in the bushes, greatly deepened its saturation, and increased lightness.
For my last recreation I edited in the first sky I used again, but I then turned it black and white. I edited in the plan again and added a rough pastel filter to it and replaced the colors once again to a cyan. I added Glowing Edges to the background image and set the fade to 57%. I then used the magic wand tool to only select the buildings and added the glass effect as well. I then went into color replace, selected one of the middle greens in the bushes and increased both the hue and saturation.

Friday, January 22

Photo Shop Day One

1. Resize to 5 x 7 jpeg
Here I simply went into "Image" and resized the given photo without problem with 72 pixels to make it web friendly.

2. Crop the Image
I decided to crop what I felt to be the most "active" part
of the given photo to try and give the
photo a more lively
and textured feeling.

3. Alter contrast
Here I changed the brightness to negative 150 and the contrast to 100% to make the once sunny setting into a sunset one.

4. Black and White
Here I created a black and white photo by using the black and white option and then changing the contrast to 100% for a more dramatic effect.

5. Stamp Tool

Although due to size it's difficult to see, I used the stamp tool to copy other part of the photo and effectively edit out the small blue boat in the background.

6. Be creative!
For the last photo I decided to combine skills. I first cropped the photo and then increased both the brightness and contrast. I then explored and found the photo filter tool and added a red haze over the photo. I'd like to think the effects give the photo a hot southern day feel.